OK, so I have been rather slack with writing on this blog haven't I?!! I blame excessive heat and dodgy internet. Although mostly it's just that I haven't made time to update this, but I like blaming the heat for everything. It is pretty hot, every day it's above 30 degrees and even though the monsoon has hit, it seems to have missed Dhaka, we get showers every now and then but not anything excessive yet, and believe me, Bangladesh is good at being excessive let me tell you. Although as I type I can see huge black clouds looming in the distance so maybe we'll be getting some rain soon-here's hoping!
I'm on holiday now and am relaxing now that I've moved into my new house and have one week left of my holidays with not too much to do... it seems very strange to have finished the school year in June and now be preparing for a new class but I'm slowly getting used to it. I took over a class last term and enjoyed teaching them a lot so will miss them when we get back to school. They were a loud bunch of noisy rascals and we had a lot of fun together.
Here's our class photo, I shall miss teaching these cuties :)
I'm on holiday now and am relaxing now that I've moved into my new house and have one week left of my holidays with not too much to do... it seems very strange to have finished the school year in June and now be preparing for a new class but I'm slowly getting used to it. I took over a class last term and enjoyed teaching them a lot so will miss them when we get back to school. They were a loud bunch of noisy rascals and we had a lot of fun together.
Here's our class photo, I shall miss teaching these cuties :)
We had a big end of year function where all the classes performed and we gave prizes and all squished together in the library in our best clothes and sweltered in the heat, it was pretty cool but absolutely exhausting. I was pretty proud of my class 3 kids, they performed a play about monsters and were awesome! See the photos below, they were also proud of me because I wore a sari which I find very difficult and hot to wear and also performed in the teachers item where my mobile phone was 'stolen' by another teacher. It made them all laugh because they remembered the day a few months ago where my phone was actually stolen from our classroom (I got it back for those of you who didn't get that story!) and they had their bags searched!
I'll write some more posts about my holidays later, for now here's some photos of the GEMS end of year function....
Little monsters of Class Three
The packed, HOT library
Caro Madam stealing Carley Madam's phone, and also one of the only photos of me in the sari!